Save a Girl Child

Let's save a girl child and stand against the genocide that is taking place in the society. Feticide is the most dastardly form of violence against women. Since the technology for sex determination first came into being, sex selective abortion has unleashed a saga of horror in India. In fact nature intended the womb to be a safe space place for nurturing and grooming the foetus before the child could take birth. But today, doctors have made it the most unsafe space for the female child by unleashing the terror of feticide. Today a girl child is several times more likely to be eliminated before birth in India than die of various causes in the first year of her existence.

Lamp End Tables

Save a girl child: Sex determination and sex selection

Lamp End Tables

Although foetal sex determination and sex selection is a criminal offence in India, the practice is rampant. Private clinics with ultrasound machines and other latest technologies are doing brisk business. Everywhere, people are paying to know the sex of an unborn child and paying more to abort the female child. The technology has even reached remote areas of the country through facilities like mobile clinics. People are getting sex determination done even for the first child.

Save a Girl Child: Historical connection and overall discrimination against the girl child

Earlier when the technology was not available to know the sex of the foetus, the girl child used to be killed by putting a sand bag on her face or strangulating her or some poison used to be applied on the breasts of the mother. The irony was that neither mothers nor their family members used to express any kind of sorrow on the deaths of their baby daughters. Now the scenario has changed. With the help of new technologies one can easily detect the sex of the foetus. So the practice of female infanticide has been replaced by female feticide.

Save a girl child: Discrimination against the girl child and women

Female feticide and infanticide is not the only issues with a girl child in India. Actually at every stage of life she is discriminated and neglected for basic nutrition, education and living standard. When she is in the womb, she is eliminated before she can enter the world. If by chance she takes birth then at the time of birth her relatives pull her back and wrung her neck and after killing her she is thrown into a trash can. If she gets lucky to survive the early feticide and infanticide then her childhood is not more than a punishment with her brother getting all the attention with new shoes, dresses and books to learn while she is gifted a broom, a wiper and lots of tears. In her teenage, she misses nutritious food to eat and gets only the left over crumbs. During the age when she should be in college she is hurriedly "married off" leading to conditions where she remains ever dependant on others for her survival. She does not have either social or economic independence. Further her illiteracy, lack of education results in unwanted and early pregnancies, high fertility rate. This further aggravates the overall condition of females in the country. Again if this female gives birth to a girl child, the whole journey cycle of murder and discrimination begins all over again.

Save a Girl Child: Culpability of the Medical profession

As per some studies the industry of ultrasound and sonography, sex-selection and female feticide is around 500 crores in India and this is run through small clinics, midwives, unregistered doctors and big hospitals. They conduct the abortions very secretly and many a times they become the reason for the death of many women. Many Doctors are involved in this widespread malpractice to make easy money. Actually it is a very profitable business. The machines have become cheaper, so even a new medical graduate can quickly set up a business. It may be illegal but it's very rare that in India medical council debars anyone for ethical malpractice.

Save a girl child: Responsibility and accountability of the medical profession

It is high time that now Doctors are made responsible and accountable. In fact they are the ones who had aggressively promoted the misuse of technology and legitimised feticide. They created a weapon of mass destruction. Worst of worst some Doctors feel that they are doing a great social service and feel happy to provide this service to parents desperate to have a son, in the belief that they are preventing the birth of an unwanted child.

Save a girl child: The oblique way of sex determination

Today when the laws are getting stricter the method of revealing the sex is becoming more oblique. Now either the doctor will hand out blue or pink candy to the family members as they leave or make a remark during the examination by saying something like "Your child will be a fighter" or "The baby is like a doll." It is a clear fact that since the implementation of the legislation has taken place, the business has gone underground. The proof is the ever increasing number of feticide around the country especially in north India.

Save a girl child: Under-the-table fee for sex determination

Now the Doctors who disclose the sex expect an under-the-table fee for breaking the law, ranging from a few hundred rupees in poorer areas to several thousand in more prosperous regions. The plain and simple truth is that the medical fraternity has not been sufficiently regulated in India and there is no sufficient deterrent or awareness even among the medical fraternity which can prevent these malpractices from taking place in the first instance.

Save a Girl Child: The Actual problem in terms of figures

Let's now look at the figures which speak the truth for itself. According to the last official census figures, India with its nationwide ratio of 933 women for 1,000 men had a deficit of 35 million women when it entered the new millennium. Experts are calling it "sanitised barbarism". UN figures tell that about 750,000 girls are aborted every year in India. It as genocide: "More than 6 million killed in 20 years. That's the number of Jews killed in the Holocaust."

Save a girl child: Abortion of a million foetus in a year

Demographic trends indicate India is fast heading towards a million female foetuses aborted each year. In India, if the 1991 Census showed that two districts had a child sex ratio (number of girls per thousand boys) less than 850; by 2001 it was 51 districts. The irony is that the nation of so called goddess and mothers still follows a culture where people idolize the birth of son and mourn the birth of daughters.

Save a girl child: Income level directly proportional to sex selective abortion

Ironically, as income levels are increasing, sex determination and sex selection is increasing all over India. The most influential and affluent pockets have the worst sex ratios. Take Punjab for instance - 793 girls for every 1,000 boys against the national figure of 927. Or South Delhi - one of the most affluent localities of the Capital - 760. In many regions of Punjab, Haryana and Rajasthan; the sex ratio of girls for every 1000 boys was mere 745 or 754 or at 779 respectively. Based on the number of births in Delhi every year and the sex ratio across the capital - 814 girls for every 1,000 boys about 24,000 female fetuses are aborted in the capital every year, and about one million across the country.

Save a girl child: Warning of unexpected social problems in the near future

Abortion rates are increasing in almost 80% of the Indian states and especially in Punjab and Haryana. These two states have the highest number of abortions every year. UNICEF has warned that unless steps are taken to address the problem across the country, India will soon face unexpected social problems like men unable to find brides, gaps in the work force and increased trafficking of women.

Save a girl child: Answering ethical questions

The other side of the coin is the issue that attempts to regulate women right to abortion inevitably raise delicate ethical questions, but for a contrary like India this is not a pro-choice or pro-life issue. "Equality is a fundamental right," but where is the gender equality when one million girl fetuses are destroyed every year before birth itself. Therefore we need to understand the fact that our situation is really alarming and extraordinary and preventing this discrimination takes precedence over arguments about women reproductive rights.
Save a girl child: The taboo surrounding sex selective abortion
One more major problem is that despite the prevalence of the ghastly and inhuman phenomenon, the decision to abort a female fetus remains a taboo, and it is difficult to persuade women to talk about the issue. If women themselves become party to the problem then how can we ever think about finding the solution?

Save a Girl Child: Misuse of technology

The social evil of discrimination and marginalization of women and killing of girl child is ironically deep rooted in Indian ethos and the most shocking fact is that the innovative and hard high end technologies have actually helped in the brutal killing of the Indian girl child. Earlier it was infanticide. Now it is easier with feticide with technology at the helping end. Innovative techniques, like biopsy, ultrasound, scan tests and amniocentesis, devised to detect genetic abnormalities, are highly misused by number of families to detect gender of the unborn child. These clinical tests are highly contributing to the rise in genocide of the unborn girl child.

Save a girl child: The technology as the devil

In patriarchal States like Rajasthan where infanticide has existed for centuries, this new technology has many takers as it is easy and secretive. There are far less questions to be answered when you abort a girl child rather than kill a baby girl. Today, people pretend overtly that they are modern and that they do not discriminate between a girl and a boy. But when the actual situation arises they do not hesitate to quietly go to the next village and get an ultrasound done and even abort the girl child. Here the technology has become the uncontrolled beast and demon rather than the angel.

Save a Girl Child: Related & Associated issues

Apart from the means of killing of the girl child "feticide" is also one of the most common causes of maternal mortality. Law permits that the she sex of the foetus can be only determined around 14-16 weeks. Because of this most of the sex selective abortions are planned late and this leads to a very high chance of maternal mortality. Either way the woman suffers.

Save a girl child: Feticide a symptom of a larger problem

We must understand the fact that in fact Feticide is a symptom of larger and wider problem related to marginalization and discrimination against women through various social, cultural and economic bias and practices. Feticide is related to issues as varied as privatisation of medical education and dowry. For example Karnataka is a state in India with the highest number of private medical colleges. Here healthcare has turned into a commodity without proper regulation and control leading to terrifying consequences like illegal abortions and feticide.

Save a girl child: Affluent farmers and feticide

Another ironical phenomenon is that wherever agricultural green revolution has happened with resultant increase in income among farmers, feticide has increased. The connection is simple. With more landholdings and wealth inheritance the dowry demands has increased and therefore birth of a daughter is considered as an economic liability. Today, people don't even want their daughters to study higher as a well-educated groom is likely to demand more dowry.

Save a girl child: Male child selection in nuclear families

Even the creation of small and nuclear families have come at the cost of the girl child. Parents who are opting for one child are most likely to go for a male child rather than a female child.

Save a girl child: Demand Vs. Supply debate

Another issue that has been put forward by the medical community to absolve their own culpability in this whole malpractice is the demand and supply debate. Doctors say there is a social demand and they are only fulfilling it. They argue that social attitudes must change. However they are ignoring the fact that in this case supply fuels demand. The easier the technology is available the more likely is the chance of abortion and feticide.

Save a girl child: Tougher regulation and control

There is no option other than tougher regulation and control of the "technology and the medical practice" as technology in the hands of greedy, vested interests cannot be neutral. There is a law in place to prevent misuse of the technology and it must be enforced strongly. On the other hand the solution for curbing the increase of feticide can only work through increasing awareness and overall empowerment of women in every aspect.

Save a girl child: Need for female youth icons and role models

Women participation in workforce, having disposable incomes and their making a contribution to larger society will make a difference to how women are seen in the society. Female youth icons and role models are definitely making an impact in changing the overall perception of the society which has been highly discriminatory till now.
Save a girl child: Laws against violence and discrimination of women
Other issues which are attached to the overall discrimination and marginalization of women include the laws for violence against women such as dowry, domestic violence, rape which are directly in the control of a largely inefficient and corrupt police force which in fact is biased against women with its colonial hangover and resultant approach of doing things. In any case of violence and discrimination against women the whole onus and burden of the case is always put on the women involved.

Save a girl child: Urgent need for police reforms

It's high time that police reforms take place and the country gets a modern police force which is more sensitive to the issues of the society rather than the current one which exists to please the whims and the fancies of their political masters. Today even though good and tough laws exist still the offenders get away with ease. Just like many other laws of the country the law preventing sex determination and sex selection exits but enforcement is a big question mark.

Save a girl child: Myths to be shattered

Another myth that needs to be shattered is that feticide exists among illiterate and less affluent of the society. According to a survey there is a 28.32 % increase in the number gainfully employed and working women in India in the last two decades. But at the same time, what is more shameful and ironical is that there is a subsequent increase in the number of pregnancy terminations or abortions by working women.

Save a girl child: Abortions by working women

The reasons stated behind the practice of abortions by working women are: They want a small family; they want better career prospects; they want a male child and they do not want daughters. Many of these women justify sex selection and abortions because they think that if they deliver a baby boy then they are looked upon in the family. Also, they do not want their daughters to suffer the hardships a girl has to face. Besides that they find themselves unable to afford the dowry expenses the parents of a girl child have to bear. "Since maintaining the high living standards has become so expensive, who will save for her?" say modern mothers. These are the 'serious' reasons these literate and modern women give for not giving birth to a girl child. But they are forgetting that had their mothers thought the same way, they would have also met the same fate.

Save a girl child: The bane of consumer culture

Further the whole problem is just an extension of our consumer culture. If someone can afford to buy a Mercedes, they feel they can afford to secure themselves a son also. If they can pay for an ultrasound, then they don't need to have a daughter - that's the logic.

Save a girl child: Outdated social practices and their consequences

Dowry is a big issue for the urban elite because the amount which people are expected to pay as dowry is astonishing and ridiculous. Over that is the cost of the obscenely extravagant Indian weddings. Aside from the costs of dowries and marriages, there are other reasons why daughters are seen as less desirable like there is general belief that sons will look after their old parents and daughters are anyway to go to a different household and are therefore of not much use in the long run. The social and cultural settings are negatively biased against women. After marriage, a woman traditionally lives with the family of the husband, leaving her own parents to be looked after by a son, if there is one, in their old age. Sons carry on the family name and often the business, usually inherit the property and perform the last rites. All these contribute towards a negative bias against the girl child even before she takes birth.

Save a girl child: The misconception that poverty leads to feticide

From the above analysis we can clearly see that it's a misconception to think that this is a problem related to extreme poverty. It's quite rampant in upper and middle class families. Female feticide is very high in Punjab and Haryana - some of the best-off states in the country. Even money has not brought attitudinal change. In fact more money has led to aggravation of the whole problem. The mind-set remains - girls are not important, girls are a burden, and sons are more useful. With new lifestyle culture in India, when people are rich they want to spend their money on things, not on dowries or marriages for their daughters. So we can see that how social and cultural practices like dowry and extravagant marriages are in fact contributing to the overall menace of female abortion and feticide.

Save a Girl Child: Law against feticide and Implementation of the law

After almost a decade of delays, the Prohibition of Sex Selection Act came into force in February 2003, aimed at preventing the use of ultrasound examinations for sex determination. Any person including pregnant women who seek help for sex selection could be sentenced to a three-year prison sentence and fined 50,000 rupees, or ,200, while If any doctor is found guilty of this malpractice, he can face suspension of his registration by the state medical council.

Save a girl child: The Act that was passed in 2003

Pre-conception and pre-natal diagnostics techniques (prohibition and sex selection) Act, which came into effect on 14th February 2003, was as a replacement of the pre-natal diagnostic techniques (regulation and misuse amendment) Act 2002, that said any kind of sex selection in pre or post pregnancy is prohibited.

Save a girl child: Creating acts and laws not sufficient to deal with the problem

But these acts seem not to be casting much effect on the dark shades of human deeds. No case has come to court, and campaigners against the practice of prenatal sex determination complain that the legislation is impossible to enforce. Law is very well conceived and the need of the hour is legal literacy to ensure the law is implemented. Here the role and competence of the law enforcement agencies is a big question mark? In spite of all the stringent laws framed to curb the female feticide, the practice continues. The declining sex ratio between boys and girls poses a serious threat to the very existence of a balanced social order in India.

Save a Girl Child: Sensitization of the society

There is a need to sensitize the Indian society about the sex selection tests and the impending gender crisis. There is a need to advocate to the society about greater gender equality. Increase awareness about the Pre-Natal Diagnostic Act (PNDT), 1994 as well as its recent amendment passed by the Parliament that bans any form of sex selection tests is needed.

Save a girl child: Awareness in the society

Society has to be sensitized about the pitiable state of women in the Indian society of which selective sex abortion of the female foetus is one of the indicators apart from increasing incidences of violence and trafficking.

Save a girl child: Implementation of the law

Law needs to be strictly implemented and we need to increase compliance amongst the maternity homes, nursing homes, ultra-sound clinics, radiologists for registering their ultra-sound machines under the PNDT Act. Medical community has to be sensitized about the ethics of medical profession and the role they ought to be playing in improving the population crisis as well as sex-ratios in the country. It's also time to have a stricter and tougher regulation of the medical practice in India.

Save a girl child: Changing the attitude

There is a need to build a dialogue amongst the stakeholders as well as track inter-generational change amongst the women through various generations. Achievements of the successful women from different strata of the society as well as from different walks of life need to be highlighted to change the attitude of the society against women.

Save a Girl Child: Closing comments

There needs to be widespread visible contempt and anger in society against the "genocide" against women. Today nobody can say female feticide is not their problem when more than one million girl foetuses are been selectively destroyed every year in the country. It's high time we all did our bit to help save the girl child as time is really running out for the girl child in India. The disastrous consequences of what is happening today will be felt in another 10-20 years time. Therefore to prevent a horrible future the need of the hour is to realize our responsibilities and give a halt to this evil crime of killing the girl child in the womb itself. A determined drive can initiate a spark to light the lamp and show the world that we indeed are the land of the great goddesses and mothers.

Save a Girl Child
Lamp End Tables

Christmas Sales Winsome Wood Accent Table , Walnut 201

Dec 18, 2011 02:30:05

Christmas Winsome Wood Accent Table , Walnut Deals
Click for larger image and other views

Winsome Wood Accent Table , Walnut

>> Click here to update Christmas prices for Winsome Wood Accent Table , Walnut <<

Christmas Sales Winsome Wood Accent Table , Walnut Feature

  • Classic, clean-lined end table/night stand offers casual style
  • Crafted of solid beechwood; wood nailhead accents
  • Simple carved rails complement roomy storage drawer and open shelf
  • Some assembly required; measures 18 inches in diameter by 22 inches high
  • Available in Natural, Walnut, Black, or White
  • Given this product's unique nature, variations in the wood work are to be expected. Each item may vary slightly in color.

Christmas Sales Winsome Wood Accent Table , Walnut Overview

Elegantly simple, this night stand has room for all the necessary nighttime accessories.Its curved, smooth design blends well with any style of bedroom decor.Available in 4 finishes

Christmas Sales Winsome Wood Accent Table , Walnut Specifications

Combining solid beechwood construction with a tidy and practical style, this versatile end table/night stand makes a fresh and clean addition to the room. The oversized tabletop features a straight-edged square shape, while below the four rectangular legs host a deep storage drawer and open shelf. For subtle flair, the drawer front and lower side rails are sculpted with a wide curve that softens the table's overall look. Also notice how the wood nailhead accents and a simple drawer pull offer a tailored finish. Classic enough to stay in style no matter how the furnishings around it change, this table comes in four handsome finishes: Natural, Walnut, Black, and White. It measures 18 inches in diameter by 22 inches high. --Kara Karll

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Available In Stock.

This Christmas Winsome Wood Accent Table , Walnut ships for FREE with Super Saver Shipping.

Price : Click to Check Update Prices Please.

Winsome Wood Accent Table , Walnut

Limited Offer Today!! Winsome Wood Accent Table , Walnut Christmas and Cyber Monday 2011 Deals

Antique White Bookshelf Glass Corner Shelves Loupe Glasses

Free Jewelry is a Real Thing - Jewelry Home Show Hostess Success Tips

The jewelry sales representative will make it sound easy to do, and hosting a jewelry home show can be simple, but if you want to maximize sales, and therefore, the amount of free jewelry you can earn from the show, then you will find the following checklist helpful.

Lamp End Tables


Lamp End Tables

The date and time of your jewelry party can help increase sales. A month or even two months before graduation, Christmas, or any gift-giving holiday can catch your guests already in the mood to shop. Booking a show well-timed for winter holidays can be tricky, however. I attended a jewelry show in early October, and all available booking times for holiday delivery were already taken, so plan early if you want the extra boost of Christmas and Holiday jewelry sales. If you are lucky enough to be at a poolside party in July, don't delay, book your November or December show then!

The day of week and time are to be considered also. During football season, a Sunday afternoon party may be very good timing, with many women wanting to escape their armchair athlete men-folk for a couple of hours. Super Bowl Sunday might be an exception to this example. Saturday is often "errand day" for working women, so late in the afternoon, around cocktail hour could be auspicious timing. A 3:00 or 4:00 p.m. party can be the last stop before going home to prepare for the evening. Saturday evening can also be an enjoyable time to host a party, depending upon the mix of guests you plan to invite. If your invitees are available during the weekday, morning jewelry home shows can be a welcome break from routine.

Generally the duration of a party is two hours. Your friends may want to stay until late hours; however, the sales associate will want to pack up and go home after a couple of hours, and generally speaking, two hours is plenty of time for everyone to browse, try on the jewelry samples, and place their orders.


Once you have booked your home show jewelry party, take a few minutes for yourself and define your role. Some sales representatives will supply you with invitations, postcards, and a guideline on how you can prepare for your show. When invitations are supplied, the hostess is expected to address and mail her invitations. At a recent Silpada jewelry party, the sales representative stated that she only needed the guest list and addresses, and she would address and mail the invitations. This is less work and much more convenient for the hostess, and the representative can build her mailing list at the same time.
You will be encouraged to promote your upcoming party. Do what you are comfortable doing. Not everyone is P.T. Barnum.


The invitation list needs careful thought, especially with something like jewelry, which for most people is a luxury, not a necessity. Even though there is no obligation to buy, once a guest arrives and starts to look, the expectation of an order will grow, and not all jewelry shows offer the token item, affordable to all.

If you know of someone who is looking for a source of income, and they seem suitable for sales, then they might want to attend to learn more about joining the company as a sales associate. This can benefit the hostess because many companies will reward the hostess with extra products or credits if someone signs on as a result of their show.

Draw names from many places in your social network, including co-workers, church friends, fellow teaches, book group associates, neighbors, family members, quilting circle friends, PTA or day care parents, and the like. A mix of people adds interest for everyone. Expect about 30 percent of your guest list to attend your party, so encourage your invitees to bring a friend. It is also a good idea to offer catalogs for outside orders. The sales associate should supply you with as many jewelry catalogs and order forms as you need.


Generally the RSVP date on a jewelry home show is 2-3 days before the event. This will give the hostess some time to clean house, shop, and prepare food and beverages. In planning what to serve, the following guidelines may be helpful. Keep the food easy to eat in one or two bites. Don't serve food that requires a fork and plate. If both hands are busy, the guests cannot be trying on jewelry and actively
looking at the display. Let your guests pop a bitesize brownie, cookie or carrot stick with dip and keep shopping!

Don't offer gooey foods, people will also be handling the jewelry, and you won't want them to gum it up with buffalo sauce or sticky glazes.

Try a new recipe - if it's a hit, then you will get to hear the praise and it will help with conversation. If the recipe is a flop, you will have leftovers to feed to the dog.

If it is appropriate for you to do so, offer wine, a spiked punch, or cocktails such as Mimosas, Cosmopolitans, or Peach Bellinis. Mulled cider with rum would be a welcome beverage on a winter's evening. Offering these as well as coffee, tea and soft drinks will help your guests relax in what could be a stressful situation. It also adds a festival atmosphere. It is a good idea to limit availability of alcoholic beverages.


When you are deciding where to have the jewelry displayed in your home, consider that food, as usual, will draw your guests. If you have an open kitchen/family room area, having the food in proximity to the jewelry display is simple. If you living room is the most suitable for the jewelry presentation, then set out your food in that room, using end tables and your coffee table for food and drinks, and set up a folding table for the jewelry. You could work it the other way, and centralize the food, while spreading the jewelry around the room, but that could invite theft and presents a logistics challenge for the sales associate. The main thing is to keep the traffic flow moving to and from the food and jewelry to keep your guests on their feet and active, and less inclined to find a corner for a long catch-up chat.


Adequate lighting is very important to jewelry sales. Make sure there is plenty of light to show the details, colors and gems of the jewelry on display, and allow the guests to clearly see themselves when they try on the jewelry samples. The next time you are shopping in a department store, boutique, gallery, or museum store, take note of the lighting, as it can provide a good model for your party.


Mirrors are a welcome tool at a jewelry show. Chances are the sales associate knows this and will have a stand mirror on the display table; however it is smart to have another one nearby or make sure you welcome your guests to use your bathroom or hall mirror. Mirrors help sell jewelry, so be sure to let the shoppers see how pretty they are wearing a necklace or pair of earrings.


When it comes to placing orders, your guests and the sales associate will need privacy, so set up a space in a separate room or in a far corner where there is a table or counter top and a couple of places to sit. This will allow for a discrete transaction.


The job as hostess goes a bit beyond opening your home and offering good cheer. Try to keep people focused on the jewelry, even though side conversations are taking place. Staying near the jewelry and keeping the conversation around that area will help people stay nearby. It is not necessary to actively sell the product, but do what you can to prevent setting the sales associate afloat on a social iceberg. Some not-too-loud upbeat music can help with the mood, just as with any party.


Often during the stand-up presentation of the company and the jewelry, the sales associate will offer a door prize as an ice breaker. As a good hostess, having a small non-perishable item in hand in case of a mishap will be gratefully appreciated by the sales rep as well as the guest. I attended a party where the chocolate door prize had melted on an unseasonably warm day. The sales rep did recover quickly with a polishing cloth to give instead, however, the hostess might want to consider having a back up item on hand, such as a small packet of tea or coffee, or a small bottle of hand lotion.

All in all, a little planning and logistics considerations will earn sparkling rewards from robust jewelry sales.


Trust - make sure the line you are carrying offers a no-hassle guarantee.

Show up on time. Do not overstay your visit.

Have more than one mirror.

Have a flexible display plan to fit into the many different scenarios you will be encountering. Keep it simple so you can set up and dismantle in a short period of time.

Tastefully wear some of the jewelry from your product line.

Dress neatly. Do not wear perfume; many people have allergies, and perfume can aggravate them.

Keep your presentation short and to the point.

Try to offer a few items on cash & carry basis for those who don't want to wait for an order to arrive. This may mean having to stock a small amount of inventory, but if they are moderately priced, best-selling items, then you won't be holding it for long.

Bring a folding table of your own to insure you will have adequate display space.

Bring a lamp so you can be sure to have enough lighting in just the right spot. Perhaps a lampshade can be used to hang jewelry as well as add light to the room.

Offering ideas for matching sets can multiply sales. Not everyone has a knack for mixing complementary jewelry. If you can make it easy, increased sales will most likely be yours.

Offer an incentive to book a show while at the party. Be sure to reward the hostess for bookings placed at the show.

Confirm the party a day ahead to insure the readiness of your venue.

Are you limited to home shows, or are corporate/workplace venues something you are willing to consider? Working people appreciate the opportunity to shop during their lunch hour. This is especially true for those who are unable to leave their building during breaks. The medical community and schools are two examples of this.


Construct your jewelry well enough so you can confidently offer a no-hassle guarantee.

If your jewelry is not one-of-a-kind, consider offering some limited edition pieces. Your customers want to buy something special, even it costs a dollar or two more.

Be sure to offer the token easily affordable jewelry item. Ideally you would design one piece in each category you make.

Buy your components from reliable vendors. You want to sell as many of your popular items as you can. A reliable source of supply can provide components when you need them.

Get to know your sales associates. You want to be sure of who is representing your company, and they will appreciate knowing their principal.

Keep your packaging simple and attractive. Stock boxes with a customized hot-stamped logo or name label is adequate.

If you have a catalog, show the images actual size and easy to see.

Make sure your pricing formula insures that hostesses are well-compensated for their time.

Consider offering fundraising program options. Non-profit organizations everywhere need time-saving opportunities to raise capital for their programs.

Be sure to thank your hostess after their home show. Through your sales associate you have been a guest in their home.

Free Jewelry is a Real Thing - Jewelry Home Show Hostess Success Tips
Lamp End Tables

Christmas Sales Winsome Wood End Table/Night Stand with Drawer and Shelf, Natural 201

Dec 17, 2011 04:17:24

Christmas Winsome Wood End Table/Night Stand with Drawer and Shelf, Natural Deals
Click for larger image and other views

Winsome Wood End Table/Night Stand with Drawer and Shelf, Natural

>> Click here to update Christmas prices for Winsome Wood End Table/Night Stand with Drawer and Shelf, Natural <<

Christmas Sales Winsome Wood End Table/Night Stand with Drawer and Shelf, Natural Feature

  • Classic, clean-lined end table/night stand offers casual style
  • Crafted of solid beechwood; wood nailhead accents
  • Simple carved rails complement roomy storage drawer and open shelf
  • Some assembly required; measures 18 inches in diameter by 22 inches high
  • Available in Natural, Walnut, Black, or White

Christmas Sales Winsome Wood End Table/Night Stand with Drawer and Shelf, Natural Overview

Elegantly simple, this night stand has room for all the necessary nighttime accessories.Its curved, smooth design blends well with any style of bedroom decor.Available in 4 finishes

Christmas Sales Winsome Wood End Table/Night Stand with Drawer and Shelf, Natural Specifications

Combining solid beechwood construction with a tidy and practical style, this versatile end table/night stand makes a fresh and clean addition to the room. The oversized tabletop features a straight-edged square shape, while below the four rectangular legs host a deep storage drawer and open shelf. For subtle flair, the drawer front and lower side rails are sculpted with a wide curve that softens the table's overall look. Also notice how the wood nailhead accents and a simple drawer pull offer a tailored finish. Classic enough to stay in style no matter how the furnishings around it change, this table comes in four handsome finishes: Natural, Walnut, Black, and White. It measures 18 inches in diameter by 22 inches high. --Kara Karll

SAVE NOW on Christmas Sales Offers below!

Available In Stock.

This Christmas Winsome Wood End Table/Night Stand with Drawer and Shelf, Natural ships for FREE with Super Saver Shipping.

Price : Click to Check Update Prices Please.

Winsome Wood End Table/Night Stand with Drawer and Shelf, Natural

Limited Offer Today!! Winsome Wood End Table/Night Stand with Drawer and Shelf, Natural Christmas and Cyber Monday 2011 Deals

Canon Ring Light Flash

End Tables - Hug Your Couch With Elegance

You do not have to be a design professional in order to bring a room within your home to a whole new level throughout the process of a makeover. There are plenty of shows on television today that will give you all kinds of little tips and tricks on the best ways to tweak your décor with a new end table here or a new paint color there. Once you start to feel the itch and you want to begin the makeover process within one of the rooms of your home or apartment, you will find that the process could be easier and much less expensive than you think.

Lamp End Tables

After you make the choice of the room that will be undergoing the change, you need to take the time to find out if there is anything that you are able to get rid of. By knocking out clutter, you will have more space whenever you decide to add in some new furniture. A common mistake homeowners make is cramming too much furniture into one room. Open concepts and visual space are important in making a home livable and giving the illusion of more space.

Lamp End Tables

Let's start with the living room. If it is not a neutral color it needs to be painted. Often a soft brown or even yellow will brighten the room and make it feel larger than a darker color. Next, slowly put your old furniture or the new if you replaced everything, back in the room piece by piece. You want to arrange a cozy conversation area with your sofa and a pair of chairs. And of course you must not forget to add an end table or two.

Don't be traditional. Opt for unique end tables that are almost sculptural. You can find wooden ones that look drums or ceramic ones that look like a stool in a Japanese garden. The possibilities are endless with end tables once you start looking around. And once you have chosen the ones you love you can have great fun topping them with a lamp, a favorite photo or even some greenery in a vase. The choice is yours

Then you can accent with bright graphic patterned pillows, a plush ottoman coffee table and a stunning piece of art on the wall. For some a piece of art is the inspiration for their whole re-do. Whatever gives you the creative bug whether it is a home show on TV or the colors of your favorite shirt, there is nothing, more exciting than bringing a room together. From start to finish it is a very rewarding process to transform your home into your favorite place. A place you will love returning to every day and relaxing.

So stick to your budget, use your imagination and keep your happiness and design style in mind as you create and you should end up with incredible results that you can be proud of and a home you will want to show off and enjoy as much as possible.

End Tables - Hug Your Couch With Elegance
Lamp End Tables

Lensbaby Canon

Coffee Table Decor

Nothing in decorating is as overlooked as the potential for coffee table décor. These small pieces of furniture are often the last thing thought of when looking for a way to freshen a room. Often it is not necessary to buy all new furniture to make a major change. You can change the coffee tables themselves, change their arrangement or use them as a canvas to create a piece of art!

Lamp End Tables

Coffee Tables

Lamp End Tables

When it comes to choices in coffee tables, there really is no end to the possibilities. You can use them to accent the current furnishings, or choose a set that stands out. Whether they blend or pop will be entirely up to you and your style.


Bold coffee tables are those that are unique and catch your eye when you walk in the room. Take for instance a rolling glass coffee, this contemporary piece is oval shaped with smart polished tubular legs. The glass on the table waterfalls down in a tiered fashion, this table is one of the most unique pieces you will ever see!

Similar bold statements can be made with a coffee table called Vanessa, this is a solid ½-inch glass coffee table fashioned in a U shape. The legs are small casters for maneuvering ease. You can be sure that people will comment on either of these wonderful tables.


Perhaps you fancy more sedate look for your home that does not mean it cannot be spectacular. Consider a Spanish Mission Style cocktail table. A dark wood and glass combination that sets upon scrolled ironwork is not only tasteful and elegant it is dramatic. Beautiful woodworking and rounded corners make this piece gorgeous and family safe!


Are you country at heart and long for the days of saloons and gingham? There is a style of coffee table décor for you as well.

The round Desperado Coffee table will compliment the most rustic of styles. Constructed of reclaimed teak wood these tables are decay resistant and sturdy. The top is a full 41 inches around and sits atop a solid teak base that stands 20 inches high, there is even a drawer in the bottom to hide your pistol!

Artistic Decorating

If you were not in the market for new table's maybe, you would like to use what you already have to change the ambiance. A well-placed lamp along with a lacy doily can effect a softening of the room.

Use tables as a place to display your favorite holiday pieces as well. Santa on his sleigh with a bit of cottony "snow' for accent will put everyone in the holiday spirit.


Whatever your pleasure be it old or new do not overlook you the small pieces in decorating. Coffee table décor is a fun way to achieve a whole new look without breaking the bank!

Coffee Table Decor
Lamp End Tables

Christmas Sales Winsome Wood Round End Table with Drawer and Shelf, Antique Walnut 201

Dec 15, 2011 07:58:18

Christmas Winsome Wood Round End Table with Drawer and Shelf, Antique Walnut Deals
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Winsome Wood Round End Table with Drawer and Shelf, Antique Walnut

>> Click here to update Christmas prices for Winsome Wood Round End Table with Drawer and Shelf, Antique Walnut <<

Christmas Sales Winsome Wood Round End Table with Drawer and Shelf, Antique Walnut Feature

  • Round End Table sits on sturdy legs and feature a small drawer plus shelf.
  • This table will add warmth and charm your living room.
  • Solid Beachwood in Antique Walnut Finish
  • Assembly Required

Christmas Sales Winsome Wood Round End Table with Drawer and Shelf, Antique Walnut Overview

Beautiful walnut finish round end table. Drawer has satin nickel knob, shelf for storing décor.With the tapered legs, this end table is elegant.Match with round side table # 94220 collection.

SAVE NOW on Christmas Sales Offers below!

Available In Stock.

This Christmas Winsome Wood Round End Table with Drawer and Shelf, Antique Walnut ships for FREE with Super Saver Shipping.

Price : Click to Check Update Prices Please.

Winsome Wood Round End Table with Drawer and Shelf, Antique Walnut

Limited Offer Today!! Winsome Wood Round End Table with Drawer and Shelf, Antique Walnut Christmas and Cyber Monday 2011 Deals

Tripod Geared Head Gopro Hero Hd Camera

Quoizel West End Tiffany 2-Light Table Lamp

Christmas Sales Quoizel West End Tiffany 2-Light Table Lamp 201

Dec 14, 2011 09:49:08

Christmas Quoizel West End Tiffany 2-Light Table Lamp Deals
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Quoizel West End Tiffany 2-Light Table Lamp

>> Click here to update Christmas prices for Quoizel West End Tiffany 2-Light Table Lamp <<

Christmas Sales Quoizel West End Tiffany 2-Light Table Lamp Feature

  • European Design Style
  • Handcrafted Tiffany Art Glass
  • Tip-Resistant Base
  • Made by Quoizel
  • 26 1/2" H, 16" D

Christmas Sales Quoizel West End Tiffany 2-Light Table Lamp Overview

This earthy style is a great way to bring the drama of Tiffany art glass into a more rustic or contemporary room setting. The hand-cut, iridescent art glass is arranged in a soft geometric pattern, and features the rich color palette of an Indian summer. Simply breathtaking.

SAVE NOW on Christmas Sales Offers below!

Available In Stock.

This Christmas Quoizel West End Tiffany 2-Light Table Lamp ships for FREE with Super Saver Shipping.

Price : Click to Check Update Prices Please.

Quoizel West End Tiffany 2-Light Table Lamp

Limited Offer Today!! Quoizel West End Tiffany 2-Light Table Lamp Christmas and Cyber Monday 2011 Deals

Nikon Digital Camera

End Tables - Living Room Glue

Usually seen next to a table or couch end tables are often overlooked even thought they can hold the look of a living room together. They add style and function to your home with ease. Whether they're round or square, wood or glass it is hard to imagine a living room without one or more.

Lamp End Tables

Designated as lamp and remote holders, they are available in various sizes and configurations, and in a range of materials. If you want a sleek, modern look try a black cubed table made of wood or a round glass table with metal base. Want an earthy look? Try a round wood table with a sea grass wrapped base. For a more traditional look try a warm wooded table finished with a glossy veneer and a few drawers or add a bit of fun and whimsy to the room with a glass topped, pineapple shaped table.

Lamp End Tables

There are so many options the only way to get a good idea what is out there is to do some online shopping. You'll find a larger selection than in any store as well as the best prices. It is easy to quickly find what you are looking for since you can shop by type, shape, style and top material. You can also compare prices and read customer reviews to determine which end table or tables are right for you.

Whether you want end tables to match your existing décor or are re-doing your living room and need some new end tables you'll find what you want online. From modern to traditional and mission to rustic you'll find an end table that speaks to you. Maybe you want a drum table with inner storage and a hand painted design or perhaps you fancy a kangaroo table to remind you of your vacation down under. You can add a feminine touch with a dainty pedestal table or show your treasures and trinkets with a curio end table. No matter what style you choose you'll make a statement without saying a word.

End tables can anchor large pieces of furniture in a room while they hold anything from lamps to drinks to books and snacks. They are accent pieces with more than one purpose. Whether you like matching end tables or prefer to let two different ones add their own touch of sophistication to a room it is hard to imagine your living room without them. Where would the lamp go? Where would you set your drink? Where would the remote go hiding? End tables are one piece of furniture that is essential to a functioning living room, yet they are often taken for granted.

Don't let this happen to you. Give your end tables the recognition they deserve. Try new ones that truly add style and fun to your living room and watch how they subtly bring completion to the look and design of the room. Whether they add a glint of light to a deep colored room or a hint of 1960s nostalgia, end tables are one piece of furniture that you will always need even though they don't always grab the limelight.

End Tables - Living Room Glue
Lamp End Tables

Small Ottomans Footstools Southern Textiles Comforters Canon Ring Lite

Cheap Tips For Living Room Furniture Placement

Cheap Tip 1:

Lamp End Tables

Before determining living room furniture placement, some measurements are in order. Measure the length and width of the room, as well as the height of the windowsills. Using the measurements, make a sketch of the room, drawing in where any windows or doorways are located and indicating where electrical outlets, cable wires and light switches are. Measure all the furniture and accent pieces that will be going into the room and use your sketch to determine where they would fit best.

Lamp End Tables

Cheap Tip 2:

Placement is important when determining a room's focal point. You can choose a furniture piece, such as a bookcase, sofa or entertainment center; a room fixture, such as a grandfather clock or a picture window; or an accent, such as a lamp or a decorative piece.

When it comes to living room furniture placement, balance is everything. To achieve this best, make sure that you put the bigger furniture pieces throughout the room instead of in one area. The room will not look heavy sided or cluttered. Use accessories to balance the empty spaces once you have placed your furniture, to enhance your focal point.

Living room furniture placement should be based primarily on how the room will be used. If its mostly for socializing, then furniture arrangements should be focused on creating conversational areas with tables nearby to hold glasses or snacks. If the room will be mainly for watching television or playing video games, then the entertainment center becomes the focal point and the seating can be arranged facing the television.

You will need to make a note of where the sun shines into a room when it comes to placing furniture. Arrange the seating accordingly and use artificial lighting, such as lamps or tracks to balance and complement the darker areas.

Create a warm and inviting room when planning living room furniture placement. Promote conversation by arranging the seating area. For example, place a sofa facing two chairs over a coffee table to make a room inviting.

Your furniture placement will be determined by the size of your furniture. With a large sofa, place it along a wall or diagonally in a corner. With the sofa in place, arrange the chairs, coffee tables, entertainment center and end tables accordingly. Place the big pieces first, with the largest piece being the room's focal point.

Cheap Tip 3:

Comfort, balance and function are important when it comes to planning where you will place furniture in your living room. If you study the traffic pattern in your room before starting, you will know where to put the sofa, love seat or chairs to allow people to move freely around or behind the seating.

Cheap Tips For Living Room Furniture Placement
Lamp End Tables

White Headboards Queen

4 Tips to Care For End Tables

If you are in the market for a pair of new end tables or just have purchased them, you know they are not cheap investments. While end tables get overlooked when it comes to the fancier pieces of furniture in your home, they are still generally solid pieces that cost a good amount of money to get a hold of and should be treated as the strong pieces of furniture that they are. With that said, it's time for you to be a good owner of your end tables. Here are four things you need to do to give your tables a long and strong life.

Lamp End Tables

Protect them From Scratches

Lamp End Tables

End tables get more abuse than most other pieces of furniture in your home. They are always being banged around and beaten up by everyone who walks around your home. Think about all the times that someone has turned the corner beside your sofa a little too tight and ran right into the table? Between that and plates, purses and anything else they may be setting down on the end tables and picking up again, there are likely to be a lot of dings and scratches on your end tables if you don't protect them.

The best way to do this is to offer protective surfaces for those things to touch. Many people use table runners to protect the top of the table. You also may want to put a larger lamp on the table to make people more cognizant that it's there as they walk by.

Protect Them from Water

One of the most common damages to end tables is from someone setting a cup down on the table without a coaster. The water from their cup will seep into the table and cause those white rings. Sometimes you can get them out, other times you may have to have the tables refinished to remove the damage. It's better to prevent it in the first place.

The end table runners that were helping to avoid scratches are a good start. You should also have coasters very noticeable on both end tables so no one can claim they didn't see them.

Keep them Clean

It doesn't take much to mess up the finish of end tables. All that dust and dirt that is floating in the air of your home can make a mess of your end tables. Dirt and dust can seep into the tables and scratch the surface, not to mention getting stuck in the finish.

The easy way to take care of this is to use a soft cloth to periodically dust and clean the table surface.

Keep them Polished

Another thing that can damage your end tables is oil from your hands or from food products. These can seep into your table and change the color of the wood.

To prevent this you should not only keep your tables clean but also make sure to regularly polish them to keep any oils from seeping in.

4 Tips to Care For End Tables
Lamp End Tables

Christmas Sales Quoizel West End Tiffany 2 Light Floor Lamp 201

Dec 11, 2011 15:18:44

Christmas Quoizel West End Tiffany 2 Light Floor Lamp Deals
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Quoizel West End Tiffany 2 Light Floor Lamp

>> Click here to update Christmas prices for Quoizel West End Tiffany 2 Light Floor Lamp <<

Christmas Sales Quoizel West End Tiffany 2 Light Floor Lamp Feature

  • Brushed bullion finish and measures 60-inch by 18-inch
  • Handcrafted Tiffany art glass
  • Shade contains 484 pieces of tiffany glass
  • Tip-resistant base
  • Requires two 100 watt medium base

Christmas Sales Quoizel West End Tiffany 2 Light Floor Lamp Overview

This earthy style is a great way to bring the drama of Tiffany art glass into a more rustic or contemporary room setting. The hand-cut, iridescent art glass is arranged in a soft geometric pattern, and features the rich color palette of an Indian summer. Simply breathtaking.

SAVE NOW on Christmas Sales Offers below!

Available In Stock.

This Christmas Quoizel West End Tiffany 2 Light Floor Lamp ships for FREE with Super Saver Shipping.

Price : Click to Check Update Prices Please.

Quoizel West End Tiffany 2 Light Floor Lamp

Limited Offer Today!! Quoizel West End Tiffany 2 Light Floor Lamp Christmas and Cyber Monday 2011 Deals

Foldable Tv Tray

Beautiful Home Décor Decorating Ideas - 27" Tall Hokkaido End Table Lantern Floor Lamp - BLACK

Christmas Sales Beautiful Home Décor Decorating Ideas - 27" Tall Hokkaido End Table Lantern Floor Lamp - BLACK 201

Dec 10, 2011 17:09:06

Christmas Beautiful Home Décor Decorating Ideas - 27
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Beautiful Home Décor Decorating Ideas - 27

>> Click here to update Christmas prices for Beautiful Home Décor Decorating Ideas - 27" Tall Hokkaido End Table Lantern Floor Lamp - BLACK <<

Christmas Sales Beautiful Home Décor Decorating Ideas - 27" Tall Hokkaido End Table Lantern Floor Lamp - BLACK Feature

  • Measures 16in W x 16in D x 27in H- Select from 4 Colors (Finishes)
  • Choose Black (Shown), Honey, Natural Pine, or Rosewood
  • Kiln Dried Space Lattice - Fiber Reinforced Pulp Paper Shade - UL Approved Socket, Wiring, & Switch
  • Browse Our Huge Selection of Japanese, Chinese, Asian Décor, Room Dividers, Art, Lamps, & Gifts
  • Ships Next Business Day, Pro. Packed & Insured from Boston via FedEx - Expedited Deliv. Available

Christmas Sales Beautiful Home Décor Decorating Ideas - 27" Tall Hokkaido End Table Lantern Floor Lamp - BLACK Overview

We offer here a unique Japanese shoji lantern end table or nightstand, a more than two feet (27") tall floor lamp, in 4 beautiful wood finishes. We offer one of the largest collections of Japanese design shoji lanterns on the web, in sizes 14", 18", 27", 45", as well as 72", in four color choices- black, natural, Rosewood, & Honey, crafted from top quality kiln dried Scandinavian Spruce wood. Regardless of the size of the lamp or color of the wood finish, Japanese design shoji lamps cast a soft, lovely diffused light, creating a warm, beautiful glow in the bedroom, living room, dining room or study, home or office. built to last. , with classic Japanese style mortise & tenon joinery, and shaded with a tough, tear & puncture resistant polymer fiber reinforced pressed pulp rice paper shade. Each lamp is carefully wired with UL approved, United States standard light bulb sockets, light switch, and electric power cord. Either use a stand American 40 watt incandescent light bulbs as recommended, or, to save energy and generate less heat, use compact flourecent bulbs, up to 200 watts. Note that some simple assembly is required. Ships in 48 hrs. from our Massachusetts warehouse, professionally packed fully insured via FedEx Home delivery, expedited delivery available. Browse our Amazon store for 2000+ Asian design home decor accents & unique gift ideas- furniture, hand painted art, art prints, statues, jewelry boxes, Japanese & Chinese oriental lamps & lanterns, coffee & end tables, chests, cabinets, stands & stools, Japanese tatami mats, sliding doors, Asian style bedding, natural rugs as well as one of the world's largest selections of room dividers & floor screens- 3, 4, 5, & 6 panels wide, 3, 4, 5, 6, & 7 feet tall, in 25 colors, in over 100 different designs.

SAVE NOW on Christmas Sales Offers below!

Available In Stock.

This Christmas Beautiful Home Décor Decorating Ideas - 27" Tall Hokkaido End Table Lantern Floor Lamp - BLACK ships for FREE with Super Saver Shipping.

Price : Click to Check Update Prices Please.

Beautiful Home Décor Decorating Ideas - 27

Limited Offer Today!! Beautiful Home Décor Decorating Ideas - 27" Tall Hokkaido End Table Lantern Floor Lamp - BLACK Christmas and Cyber Monday 2011 Deals

Fire Truck Toddler Bed Solid Pine Bookshelf

Convenience Concepts 7104077-ES American Heritage End Table with Shelf and Drawer, Espresso

Christmas Sales Convenience Concepts 7104077-ES American Heritage End Table with Shelf and Drawer, Espresso 201

Dec 09, 2011 19:00:42

Christmas Convenience Concepts 7104077-ES American Heritage End Table with Shelf and Drawer, Espresso Deals
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Convenience Concepts 7104077-ES American Heritage End Table with Shelf and Drawer, Espresso

>> Click here to update Christmas prices for Convenience Concepts 7104077-ES American Heritage End Table with Shelf and Drawer, Espresso <<

Christmas Sales Convenience Concepts 7104077-ES American Heritage End Table with Shelf and Drawer, Espresso Feature

  • Features a drawer
  • Features a Bottom shelf
  • Espresso wood grain
  • Coordinates with any decor
  • Item Dimensions: 18-inch W by 18-inch D by 26-inch H

Christmas Sales Convenience Concepts 7104077-ES American Heritage End Table with Shelf and Drawer, Espresso Overview

American Heritage End Table with Shelf and Drawer in Espresso by Convenience Concepts, Inc. Convenience Concepts brings you exciting and affordable furniture. Combining exciting designs with economical overseas manufacturing to bring you the finest in sensible contemporary furniture. Focusing on R-T-A Entertainment, TV, Storage, and Accent furniture.

SAVE NOW on Christmas Sales Offers below!

Available In Stock.

This Christmas Convenience Concepts 7104077-ES American Heritage End Table with Shelf and Drawer, Espresso ships for FREE with Super Saver Shipping.

Price : Click to Check Update Prices Please.

Convenience Concepts 7104077-ES American Heritage End Table with Shelf and Drawer, Espresso

Limited Offer Today!! Convenience Concepts 7104077-ES American Heritage End Table with Shelf and Drawer, Espresso Christmas and Cyber Monday 2011 Deals

Bushnell 22 Rifle Scope Designer Baby Cribs Winsome Tv Trays

Tips to Setting up a Workplace Every Jewelrymaker Needs

How you set up your jewelry making area affects not only your safety, comfort, and stress level but also the efficiency of your jewelry making. If you have a workspace which is well planned out then you will no doubt be far more creative and work more quickly. Anyone who designs and builds their own jewelry can tell you that the more efficient you work, the more creative you will be and the more spare time you will have available to work on other projects. Take some time to think about your jewelry making workspace and how it is organized.

Lamp End Tables

Having a plan for your workspace and what you want to do in it makes your life as a craftperson so much easier. Most problems happen because everything from tools and materials are positioned poorly or cluttered. Want you want to do is be smart in how you set up where you will be creating everything. Set aside some time to analyze what you do and you can better improve where you work. Here are just a few tips and examples on how to set up your jewelry making work area:
Try to find a place in your home free of clutter and junk. Somewhere that you can set up a small working table. A basement, spare room or garage will all work great to fit your needs. Clean it all up and you can start creating your work area. You're going to need a table to work on. It doesn't matter if it's new or used but used is usually your best option since you can normally find a nice one for cheap. The table doesn't need to huge, but big enough that you can place all of your tools and materials on freely. It is a good idea to take a measurement of your work space before you go shopping for a table. The last thing you want is a table that won't fit. Now that you found a table to work on set it up in the room you picked. Begin organizing everything you will be using on the table such as the bead containers and storage units. Small plastic baskets work great as extra storage for your beading supplies and look nice too. All of these things should be placed all around your new table. Make sure your workspace has adequate lighting in the room. Beading requires a lot of light so you don't strain your eyes too much. If your room won't allow you to add more light than you want, pick out a nice lamp that can be set up on the table but not in your way. Just because this is your workstation doesn't mean it needs to be drab and boring. Decorate it up a little bit with some personalized touched of some of your favorite inspirations. Magazines or pictures work well too. You'll be doing a lot of sitting as you bead, so be sure to find a nice comfortable chair for your behind. The chair should be soft enough to be comfy but also sturdy that your back isn't sore at the end of the day. Some beaders also use foot props too so keep that in mind too.

Lamp End Tables

Tips to Setting up a Workplace Every Jewelrymaker Needs
Lamp End Tables

Christmas Sales All new item Oak finish wood side table with magazine rack and built in lamp 201

Dec 08, 2011 20:46:46

Christmas All new item Oak finish wood side table with magazine rack and built in lamp Deals
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All new item Oak finish wood side table with magazine rack and built in lamp

>> Click here to update Christmas prices for All new item Oak finish wood side table with magazine rack and built in lamp <<

Christmas Sales All new item Oak finish wood side table with magazine rack and built in lamp Feature

  • Some assembly may be required. Please see product details.

Christmas Sales All new item Oak finish wood side table with magazine rack and built in lamp Overview

Oak finish swing arm brass lamp magazine table.Size:Magazine Table: 23-3/4"l 15-3/4"w 53-1/2"h

SAVE NOW on Christmas Sales Offers below!

Available In Stock.

This Christmas All new item Oak finish wood side table with magazine rack and built in lamp ships for FREE with Super Saver Shipping.

Price : Click to Check Update Prices Please.

All new item Oak finish wood side table with magazine rack and built in lamp

Limited Offer Today!! All new item Oak finish wood side table with magazine rack and built in lamp Christmas and Cyber Monday 2011 Deals

Sleigh Baby Cribs Manfrotto Video Heads Childrens Bookcases And Shelves

Coffee and End Tables - The Right Combination Can Be Stellar

When it comes to living room furniture two standards are the coffee and the end tables. They might match or simply complement each other, but without them you would just have a room with a sofa.

Lamp End Tables

Coffee and end tables are used for many things from eating or resting feet to holding a cold drink or the remote control. The coffee table is usually in front of the sofa while the end tables are commonly nestled beside a chair or sofa. They are made of many things from wood to glass to wrought iron and travertine these tables can add subtle elegance or a punch of style to any loving room.

Lamp End Tables

Sure you can trudge from furniture store to furniture store to department store to see what is available in the world of coffee and end tables. But the best way to see what is available is by shopping online. Browse through an eclectic selection of tables from wrought iron pedestals to wooden kangaroos in the comfort of your own home. It may even make it easier to imagine your new tables in the very room you're sitting in.

Choose from glass tops and marble veneers to a golf club pedestal or a rich cherry finish. Maybe you like the look of two smaller tables bunched together or one large one to make a contemporary statement. Whatever you choose, first and foremost make sure it fits in your living room.

Second make sure it matches your motif. You can pick tables that are conversation starters or tables that aren't too pretty. Just make sure the tables you choose speak to you and represent your personal style. After all you don't want your home to look like a picture in a magazine you want it to look like somebody actually lives there; you. You'll never be more comfortable than in a house filled with furniture that you love.

So before you pick a collection of coffee and end tables for your living room take a look around. What colors or themes do you want to carry through the room? Do you like shabby chic or Victorian? Maybe you are into the simple and clean modern look or maybe you would prefer something a bit more traditional? Once you have decided this than look for tables that match your color scheme. Remember if you pick something on the plain side you can always rejuvenate with a fresh coat of paint and some new drawer pulls.

You'll also have to make sure you get tables that are the right height for kicking up your feet or setting down your soda. You don't want something too low or too high. Once you have found your perfect tables the real fun comes in arranging your living room to get the most use out of them. Then you can sit back, relax and enjoy your beautiful living room. You have a place for a lamp to read by and your magazines to pile up. You're living in high style.

Coffee and End Tables - The Right Combination Can Be Stellar
Lamp End Tables

Tray Ottomans

Pyramids and Cones in Mathematics Lessons

Mathematics teachers normally have a box of wooden or plastic shapes tucked deep in their cupboard of goodies that they bring out when teaching the theories of cones and pyramids, but mostly these are complete - right up to the sharp end. There is a lot of mathematics in a cone or pyramid, of course, but in everyday life their use is limited. You will find ice cream cones and hanging baskets in the shape of a cone, but complete ones have to either be held in the hand, supported by strings or wires or stood on their bases, all of which rather restricts their use (unless you wish to purchase thousands of road works cones).

Lamp End Tables

It is the same with pyramids. Again we are limited to hanging baskets and the like and unless you want to bury a pharaoh, they do not have a lot of use stood on their bases.

Lamp End Tables

Enter the truncated cone and pyramid. In simple terms, a truncated cone or pyramid is a full one with the top removed. If the cut is made parallel to the base, the shape is simply called 'truncated'. (If the cut is not parallel to the base it is called 'oblique truncated', but these shapes have even fewer uses in the construction of physical objects than the full shapes.)

But now we are into a wholly different ball game as truncated cones and pyramids are admirably suite to stacking and we see them everywhere. Get your children to watch out for them in garden centres, crockery shops, DIY stores and so on. A beautiful example is the type of drinking mugs that are sold with a small Easter egg. They are normally well crafted in a truncated cone shape with a simple handle added.

I recently saw a metal dustbin (the sort used for burning papers, garden waste etc) in my local garden centre. The main component was an upturned truncated cone with legs. The lid was a short but wide truncated cone with two handles, one on each side to allow space for the chimney which've guessed it!

Cones with no points are also used for lamp shades, flower pots, fruit bowls, dove cotes, rocket engine nozzles and fez hats, to name but a few.

Truncated pyramids are found in concrete lampposts (a first glance may lead you to think these are prisms, but they normally reduce in cross sectional area as the height increases), concrete blocks at road works, office rubbish bins, lamp shades, wheelbarrows and a multitude of objects which consist of several joined together such as bird baths and fountains.

Finding the volume of a cone or pyramid is a great mathematical exercise and requires a calculator or a good knowledge of times tables. If we imagine a prism surrounding the cone or pyramid and the same height, the volume is always one third of the volume of the prism, which gives us the formula V = Base Area x Height ÷3.

It is possible to find the volume of a truncated cone or pyramid using a more complex formula, but at GCSE level it is best to find the volume of the full shape and then subtract the volume of the piece that has been removed.

Pyramids and Cones in Mathematics Lessons
Lamp End Tables

Cyber Monday Winsome Wood End Table/Night Stand with Drawer and Shelf, Natural 2011 Deals

Dec 07, 2011 00:14:44

Cyber Monday Winsome Wood End Table/Night Stand with Drawer and Shelf, Natural Deals
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Winsome Wood End Table/Night Stand with Drawer and Shelf, Natural

>> Click here to update Cyber Monday prices for Winsome Wood End Table/Night Stand with Drawer and Shelf, Natural <<

Cyber Monday Winsome Wood End Table/Night Stand with Drawer and Shelf, Natural Feature

  • Classic, clean-lined end table/night stand offers casual style
  • Crafted of solid beechwood; wood nailhead accents
  • Simple carved rails complement roomy storage drawer and open shelf
  • Some assembly required; measures 18 inches in diameter by 22 inches high
  • Available in Natural, Walnut, Black, or White

Cyber Monday Winsome Wood End Table/Night Stand with Drawer and Shelf, Natural Overview

Elegantly simple, this night stand has room for all the necessary nighttime accessories.Its curved, smooth design blends well with any style of bedroom decor.Available in 4 finishes

Cyber Monday Winsome Wood End Table/Night Stand with Drawer and Shelf, Natural Specifications

Combining solid beechwood construction with a tidy and practical style, this versatile end table/night stand makes a fresh and clean addition to the room. The oversized tabletop features a straight-edged square shape, while below the four rectangular legs host a deep storage drawer and open shelf. For subtle flair, the drawer front and lower side rails are sculpted with a wide curve that softens the table's overall look. Also notice how the wood nailhead accents and a simple drawer pull offer a tailored finish. Classic enough to stay in style no matter how the furnishings around it change, this table comes in four handsome finishes: Natural, Walnut, Black, and White. It measures 18 inches in diameter by 22 inches high. --Kara Karll

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Winsome Wood End Table/Night Stand with Drawer and Shelf, Natural

Limited Offer Today!! Winsome Wood End Table/Night Stand with Drawer and Shelf, Natural Cyber Monday and Black Friday 2011 Deals

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