Stage Your Home - Use Your Own Stuff to Stage Your Home For Better Market Value

On first glance the home appeared cluttered and undecorated. I looked around for her 'feature collection' and concentrated on that. We redecorated the living room first, using things she already had on hand, even a swath of beige cloth she'd been planning to 'make something with' as a swag for the bay window.

Lamp End Tables

"Wow, you have some terrific art!" Let's put this all to work for you.

Lamp End Tables

Her collection of Ansel Adams was strung throughout the house and offered a foundation for the home presentation. We began by collecting her seven bold black and white prints matted in white with black frames. White walls were in good condition and the beige carpet was an attractive backdrop. We moved the gray-beige patterned sofa set away from the wall and focused it on the fireplace. She brought out some pewter candlesticks and a collection of red glassware to add to the mantle, but first we hung two of the Adams prints above the mantle. On an adjacent wall, we hung three of the prints above a buffet table we moved in from the dining room to house the family's game collection. A red table runner adorned the top of it and held a pair of rejuvenated lamps on either end. In the center, a red glass bowl held pinecones from her garden.

In an open corner, we stood a tall bookshelf, a red upholstered winged armchair, and hung the last two Adams prints in a vertical display to accent a reading corner. A small round table covered with a soft gray cloth and a piece of white lace held a red ginger jar lamp and a few small photos. Books elevated some photos, and an open book on one side of the table indicated someone liked to read.

A length of beige fabric in a small pattern swagged over the curtain rod and pooled on the floor on either side of the huge bay window. White mini-blinds were kept in place for light control, but the beige fabric offered a softer window surround.

Red and gray throw pillows and a deliciously warm red throw were added to the back of the pit group sofa for color and style. We centered a dark travel trunk with leather trim in the bay window area and added a few touches of red around the room with her glassware collection. Nothing else was needed.

Whether you live in the Denver Metro area or not, colors of the Rocky Mountains can Rock your World.

Stage Your Home - Use Your Own Stuff to Stage Your Home For Better Market Value
Lamp End Tables

Nikon Dx Lens